Random Password Generator
Generates a secure password only on your device
Welcome to our Random Password Generator! This tool will help you create a hard-to-guess, safe password to keep your most important accounts secure.
How to Use Our Random Password Generator
- Set your parameters. Our tool has plenty of advanced settings to help you specify what requirements you have for your password. Our tool allows you to set the length of your password between 3 and 32 characters long. You can also choose which types of characters you would like to include in your password, from symbols and numbers to capital letters. And you can decide if you’d like your password to start with a letter, instead of a symbol or number; or if you’d like it to exclude similar or obscure characters. Finally, you can decide if you’d like to generate an easy-to-memorize password. This type of password will be a string of random, short words, instead of completely random characters. Though these types of passwords are sometimes not accepted by some login systems, they are significantly easier to memorize, especially for long passwords.
- Click the green generate button. Once all your parameters have been set, click this button, and a random password will be generated for you. If you change your parameters after generating a password, the password will automatically change to incorporate those new parameters.
- Click in the white box to copy the password. Or click the grey copy button. Then you can paste your password into your login system or into a separate document where you save all your passwords.
How to Pick a Strong Password
In the digital age, it’s more important than ever to make sure your passwords are strong and hard to guess. If you’re still using the old classic of ‘password123,’ it’s time to innovate. Creating a complex password is key to protecting your data, from your bank accounts to your social media. If you’d like some tips about how to make your passwords more secure in the future, here are a few things to keep in mind when setting passwords.
- Do not use the same password for multiple accounts.
Though this may seem like an obvious tip, it’s one of the most important. When you use the same passwords for multiple accounts, you greatly increase your risk of getting hacked on all your sites. This is because a hacker only needs to access one of your sites – potentially one with lacking security – to get access to all your information, including secure data like your bank account info. If you’re not willing to do totally separate passwords for every site, at the very least it’s important that you come up with unique passwords for your most important accounts.
- Use a longer password.
The longer a password is, the harder it is to guess. This is because instead of just randomly guessing your password, many hackers use brute-hacking software that manually plugs in different passwords to see if they work. Since there are so many different long passwords, it can take brute hacking software ages to find long passwords. Sometimes it even takes years! That means hackers will almost certainly give up before they get into your account.
- Use a password that has multiple different types of characters.
Similarly, adding different types of characters to your password makes them harder to guess. An eight-character password using only lowercase and uppercase letters has around 200 billion possible combinations. A good computer could brute-force hack that password in around half an hour. However, an eight-character password using uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols has 7.2 quadrillion possible combinations. That would take more than 2 years to hack into via brute force hacking. The key takeaway: the more different types of characters you include, the safer your password is!
- Don’t use birth dates in passwords.
While most hackers brute force your account, others – like your annoying little sister – may know you, and try to guess passwords that they think you might actually use. In this case, it’s important not to use familiar information in your passwords, including birth dates or the dates of significant times in your life. It can even be best not to use your favorite number in your password.
- Do not use familiar names in your passwords, like street addresses or the names of your kids.
Likewise, one of the biggest faux-pas in passwords is using familiar words like your kids’ names or the name of the street you live on. This information is not particularly private and can be guessed by almost anyone who knows you, so it’s best to leave it out of your passwords.
- If you can avoid it, don’t use any recognizable words in passwords at all.
In fact, it’s best not to include complete words in your password. Again, including words in passwords makes them easier to guess. If you can remember a password that consists merely of a random string of symbols, you’ll be better off.
- Instead of saving passwords in your browser, save them in a secure location, preferably on paper rather than digitally.
Though it doesn’t happen often, browsers can be hacked. To avoid getting your passwords hacked along with them, be sure to save your passwords in a secure location, such as written on a notebook in your desk drawer. Physical copies of passwords are best because they are digitally unhackable.
- Change your passwords every other month.
Even if you have the most secure password in the world, it’s best to change it frequently. That way, if someone hacks your account without you knowing it, they will only have access for a certain period of time, instead of indefinitely.
- Always lock your computer and other devices when you leave them unattended.
If you leave your computer unattended on your desk, someone could come in and get into your accounts, or even change your passwords, without you knowing. Especially if you work in a public space, or around nosy coworkers, make sure to lock your computer and devices when you leave them unattended, to avoid this kind of intrusion.
- If you ever need to share a password with someone, always do it in person or over the phone. Never share a password via email, text, or social media DMs.
Again, though it isn’t common, emails and text messages can be hacked. The best way to ensure that nobody finds your password is to ensure there is no digital record of it outside of your account. If you ever need to share your password with someone, try to do it over the phone or in person.
How to Memorize a Strong Password
Okay, so you picked a strong, unique password. But how are you supposed to memorize it? The unfortunate thing about passwords is that the more secure they are, the harder they tend to be to remember. If you sometimes struggle with memorization, here are a few tips about how to remember your passwords:
- Create a tip sheet for yourself.
One good way to help yourself remember passwords is to create a tip sheet. A tip sheet is a sheet that gives you hints as to what your passwords are. For instance, if you have one password that starts with E and one that starts with X, and you can never remember which password is for your bank and which is for Facebook, try writing yourself a tip sheet where you write down those letters next to the account names. This will help you remember which passwords go with which account.
- Create a code for yourself, either when creating your password, or when remembering it.
Though random passwords are best, a coded password that appears random can be just as good. For instance, instead of doing a totally random string of letters and numbers, you could do something like MdniVhi3! This could be a shortcode for “My dog’s name is Vector, he is 3!” This passcode includes all the different types of characters you need, and seems to be totally random. However, it's much easier to remember than truly random symbols.
- Or just write the password down.
It’s not necessarily the most secure thing in the world, but if you’re really bad at memorizing, you can always write your password down. A hard copy of your password is always better than a digital copy, and the further away from your computer you keep the password, the better. This can help protect you from a robber who wants to steal and wipe your laptop, and it can also protect your data from prying family members. However, even if you keep the password near your computer, you’re still protecting your data from those who would hack you from a distance – a spell better than using something like “password123” which robbers and hackers alike can easily guess.
Feedback on the Random Password Generator
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